Vancouver review, lifestyle, & fashion blog.

April 27, 2016

Life Update

After reading through my blog recently, I realized I didn't have a single post in 2015! Nothing really inspired me and everytime I'd try to start writing I would just lose interest in it. I'm a homebody and not really the type that likes to dress up and go out every weekend so there weren't many events I attended or chances to take pictures. I'd much rather play videogames :)


April 06, 2016

Review: Chasers Juice Revolution Cleanse

I wasn't originally going to do a review on this cleanse as I don't review food, but there aren't many reviews of their cleanses so I thought I'd get my opinion out there to help people that are interested in buying this cleanse. Unfortunately, there won't be any pictures of the juices as this wasn't a planned post.

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